OK! guys! soooooooooooooooooooooo sorry it has been so long, but i am back with not one, but two posts! so here is my first. glitter toms! this is pretty much the same technique as with my glitter sunglasses but on shoes! so, these are the supplies:
glitter(lots of it!)
glue(i prefer mod podge)
foam brush($0.69 at michaels)
tape(painters tape is the best)
paper plate, cup or just newspaper
so lets get started!
step 1: prepare your shoes
brush any dirt off, tape your where you don't want glitter.
step 2: mix your glitter and glue.
this step is very flexible. you can mix as little glitter or as much glitter as you want with the glue.
step 3: glitter the shoe!
simply take your brush and dab/brush the glitter on. the reason I say dab is because if you want texture then dab. if you want smooth, brush. i did a mixture kinda. now, about coats. if you want as little coats as possible with full glitter coverage, than put a lot of glitter in your mixture. if you don't care, than do as much or as little as you want. this project can adapt to a lot of preferences.
step 4: touch-ups.
pretty much the same as above but in places that need it most.
and viola! you're done! make sure to wash your brush in between coats and you are ready to strut your glittery shoes! this is the finished product, although by now I have rainbow glittered them. look for a picture in the next post!
glitter on,
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