Hey everyone! it's been a really, really, long time! happy new year and merry christmas and stuff! ok. today i am going to show you how to make glitter sunglasses! this was a really fun project. ok! onto the tutorial!
glitter(as many colors as you like)
foam brush
mod podge
paper plate
x-acto knife(optional, but not really. you will see why later)
step one: tape the glasses.(didn't take pictures of this but just tear, cut and shape the tape very carefully right up against the edge. and as you can see, my tape is not perfectly flatin the center, so its ok the bend it and stuff. i used a lot of tiny pieces of tape too.)
step two: mix the glitter and mod podge on the paper plate. i didn't measure or anything i just guessed.

ok. now onto the fun part:
step three:glitter the sunglasses!
ok do this one color at a time. if you are going for an ombre effect like i did, leave like a centimeter of space in between your colors. now remember that you will not be able to get my results by doing one coat. you will have to do about three coats + touch ups. remember this ombre effect-wanters.and make sure to let your coats at least mostly dry before doing the next. it will make it look better and dry quicker. and don't "brush on the glitter mod podge. you want to "dab" it on there. it looks better and spreads the glitter out more evenly.

step four: if you are doing one solid color or are not going for an ombre effect, skip this part. you will have already finish glittering. but make sure to read the rest of the tutorial. ok, guys! ombre is awesome, right? ok. now what you need to do is go like, a millimeter at a time getting closer to the other color until they meet. when they do,choose a dominant color(don't worry it won't look like there is more of that color) so, for example,i met pink and blue, and got blue and just dabbed over the wet pink. it's that simple. just choose a color and dab about one or two centimeters over it. it will not completely cover the other color, though may look like that when it's wet. but it will dry looking perfect. i did this every time i did another coat. except every time i did this, i went back a bit farther with the color to create the perfect ombre look. so, if i went over 2 cm before, the second time i would go about 1 and a half cm. the third time, i would go 1 cm. make sense? good. it ends up looking perfect!
step five: your glasses are mostly dry. yep. that's right. do not let your glasses dry all the way. it will make it so much harder to take off the tape. make it so its like when you do nail polish if you touch it, it will smudge. so in between coats let it dry 97% of the way. so when you are done with all of your coats and your shades are dry 98% of the way, take off the tape. you can do this next sentence before or after you take off the tape. kinda smudge the sunglasses where the glitter is to even out where there may be any clumps. dont press too hard or else you will get your glitter dirty and you will get finger prints in your glitter.
ok. here is where the x-acto knife comes in.
step six: your glitter is still 98% percent dry at this point. ok. what you do, is you simply run your knife along the inside edge of the sunglasses. press SLIGHTLY harder in the places where there is a lot of glitter. this is why you don't let it completely dry. because then you will have a hard time cutting the extra glitter apart from the glasses and only connected to the tape.so start peeling off the tape when you are done and continue cutting if you need. and kinda try "ripping" the glitter with your fingernail if the tape is off but the excess glitter isn't. DO NOT DO THIS WITH YOUR X-ACTO KNIFE. IT CAN SCRATCH YOUR GLASSES.
step seven: i don't know if this counts as a step, but when the tape is all off and there may be a non-clean edge of glitter along the glasses, push it up towards the edge with your fingernail.
then you are done! your sunglasses will look sooooo cool! and people will ask," where did you get those?" and you will be all,"i made them!"
this is the finished product!